Friday, August 3, 2012

Updates (Part 2)

Also, I'd like to take this time to announce our shows for the fall 2012 semester which I am more than stoked for!

You Know What They Say
Written and Directed by Maxie Mettler

Angels, Demons And Everything In Between
Book, Music and Lyrics (and directed by) Ben Viagas 

~more details soon~

Updates (Part 1)

Hey all!

Even though we're only three weeks away from school I hope everyone's had a great summer. For all you kids who don't know, we did produce Trepidation Nation as well as Betelgeuse: A Parody. I don't know who actually reads this but I feel bad not informing the public and posting pictures, so here's a few of them!

From Trepidation Nation:


Then from Betelgeuse...