Saturday, November 24, 2012

A few updates...

Hello my fellow Macabrers...

Macabre's first completely original student-written play, "You Know What They Say" goes up next week, November 30th & December 1st @ 8pm in Job 161 at Ithaca College. The rest of the information is as followed:

Written and directed by IC's own Maxie Mettler, "You Know What They Say" challenges everything you've ever been told! Join Macabre Theatre Ensemble for the dark comedy of the season!

Tommy Maher as the Detective!
Eric Surette as the Associate!

Delaney Weber as the Deranged Seven-Year-Old!
Mell Abbe as the Landlady!
Haley Brannelly as the Doctor!
E.J. Luther as the Patient!
Casey Phillips as the Devoted Wife!
Sappho Hocker as the Vampiress!
Sean Pollock as the Sandman!
Mia Canale as Eve (yes, THE Eve!)
Matt Tribble as Adam (yes, THE Adam!)
Caleb Cushing as the Innocent Child!
Amelia Marino as the Voice of Reason!
Samantha Guter as the Gentleman!
and featuring Josh Kay as the Host!

This universal spectacle will be taking place in Job 161 on 
Friday, 11/30 and Saturday, 12/1 at 8:00 pm!
Tickets: $2.00 at the door

But the fun doesn't stop there, our first musical "Angels, Demons and Everyone Else" will go up the week after: Friday, December 8th and Saturday, December 9th at 8:00 pm in the Whalen School Music, admission will be $2. More information to follow!

Meanwhile, you can view our trailer for "You Know What They Say" here